Posts tagged ultrarunning training
Why Ultra Interval Challenge is such great training for ultrarunning

On March 21st we’re hosting the event Ultra Interval Challenge. This is a virtual event that we’ve hosted several times and I would really like to encourage you to try it out! It’s great for aspiring ultrarunners and for anyone who’s up for a real challenge. And for me personally, it’s a way to get some well needed high-volume training before my upcoming races this spring.

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Why run ultra: the driving forces of an ultrarunner

“WHO could possibly want to run for that many hours at a time?!” That’s a question I often get. I understand that it sounds crazy in most people’s ears – setting your alarm clock for 6 am on a Saturday morning, starting your run still half asleep, knowing that you will be doing that for many more hours to come.

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Interval cravings and one month with MAF and low-intensity training

I have always been the kind of person who has lived according to the motto that the harder a training session is, the better. Of course I’ve been doing plenty of low-intensive sessions as well, but I have always thought that I need to do a lot of intervals in order for my training to have a positive effect on performance. But in order to stay injury free, I need to start training more sustainably. These are my thoughts after a month with the MAF method.

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