Here’s what some of our former participants think about our coaching program “10 months to ultra”.
Line Kolbe
Line Kolbe at Täby Extreme Challenge 2019
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Yes. TEC 100 miles. It couldn’t have gone better! I am so proud and happy. No injuries, no blisters, no blue toe nails, no stomach problems. It’s my best first 100 miles ever.
What do you think about the coaching program in general?
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
I have gone from working myself up to the 50 k-distance to completing 100 miles with your help! How awesome is that? I have learned how crucial the daily exercises are, as well as the importance of double sessions instead of always doing one long one. I have also worked a lot with the mental aspects, something that has helped me develop even more.
What do you think about the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge (TEC 100 Miles)?
They have been very helpful. I worked a lot with these, and during TEC 100 Miles I used many of the mental tools that I learned in the coaching program. The other themes have also helped me a lot during these months. Very nice!
What is your opinion on the diet themes of the program? Have they also been relevant to you?
Good. And yes, they have been relevant to me. I have made smaller changes to my diet which has helped me and taught me a lot. Some of the themes I never tried, e.g. smoothies, but I still have the articles and can go back to them later and read them again.
Is there something you would have liked to have more or less of?
Perhaps more analyses of flexibility as well as recommendations of workshops and courses outside of the program. There is nothing I would like to have seen less of :)
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Yes, absolutely. You know what you’re doing, and you really care about the well-being of others.
/Line Kolbe
Follow Line on Instagram: @line_kolbe
Viktor Björklund
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Viktor Björklund at TEC 2019
I ran TEC 50 Miles as part of the preparation for HCU (High Coast Ultra), which is my “examination race.” TEC went better than expected! I am incredibly pleased with how well I executed my race plan, put together according to your templates. My goal was 12 hours, but I finished in a little over 10 hours, completely exhausted but nonetheless with some power for a finish sprint at the end. I believe that the key sessions with three-pronged progressions helped a lot with my energy. The recovery went fast. No cramps other than a blister and a blue toenail. The week after the race, I continued with my normal training schedule without major adjustments.
What do you think of the coaching program in general?
Very good! It’s well thought out, has a clear approach and covers both body and mind.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
It has helped me to become a better ultra runner in all ways possible. I have better endurance, and I am stronger and have a higher self confidence when it comes to my own abilities.
What do you think about the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
Some more than others. In particular I have made use of the advice about energy/nutritional intake during a race, since I have quite big problems with that. Of course, your thoughts and tips about how to think before a race, like having a race plan etc, have also been invaluable to a beginner like me. I have tried them out and I’ve seen that they work.
What is your opinion on the diet themes of the program? Have they also been relevant to you?
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to follow the advice so well. I prefer to eat vegetarian and sometimes adding fish and seafood, which is pretty healthy. But I know that I can do a lot more when it comes to this aspect.
Is there something you would have liked to have more or less of?
There have been times when I have been longing for really long sessions, but I guess it has been good for me - with my background of injuries - to stick to the schedule you’ve presented. Something I do wish you would do is to write down the different training periods in a general schedule that one receives already at the start of the coaching program. It would provide a better overview of what is to come, and it makes it easier to plan for future travels or other things that could become an obstacle to training.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Definitely! With your help, I am an ultra runner now!!
Is there something else you would like us to know?
I think that what you are doing, your commitment and your love for this sport is absolutely amazing! Keep on going (but mostly RUN)!
/Viktor Björklund
Louise Olow
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Louise Olow in Norway
This coming January I am going to run the Sandsjöbacka Trail 85K, which will be my big challenge. But in November I raced at Kullamannen 44K and could feel how I’ve already developed an enormous amount during this journey. The race went better than expected and felt really good.
What do you think of the coaching program in general?
I love it! I believe that my development this year is entirely thanks to the program. Of course I’ve also put in the work myself - but with your help and feedback I have known what to do, what to focus on and I have been able to stick to a plan.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
Yes, I have developed. At the start of the program, the 23K at Sandsjöbacka Trail was the longest I had ever ran, and it was hard. Now I run the same distance as a normal long run session - without walking funny up or down stairs the day after. This summer I ran my first ultra (Bocksten Trail 46K). I was in pain, but I did it. In November I ran my second ultra race (Kullamannen 44K) and could feel how much stronger my body had become, and how much quicker the recovery went. I have also tried a mountain marathon (Stranda) and seen how my stubbornness really has worked - in combination with your mental exercises and other preparations.
What do you think about the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
Very relevant, especially sleep, which is something I have a lot of problems with (due to my cell phone late at night and two kids).
What is your opinion on the diet themes of the program? Have they also been relevant to you?
Relevant, but maybe not the thing I’ve been focusing the most on. I have learned a lot about nutritional intake during races, but I was eating pretty healthy already before the program so I know what I am doing.
Is there something you would have liked to seen more or less of?
Not anything that I can think of now.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Yup! Because I can see how I have developed. My husband and friends can see how I’ve developed. And even if I could have done it on my own, it would have taken much more time and it would not have been as fun or inspiring.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I just want to say that I have really appreciated the program. You are super inspiring - so keep doing what you do. And thanks for an awesome podcast!
/Louise Olow
Anders Götmark
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Ultravasan 90K. It went OK, but I underestimated the race course a bit and went out too hard. I had a time goal which I missed by an hour, but I am still pretty satisfied and it gave me a lot of experience for my upcoming challenges.
What do you think of the coaching program in general?
Entirely unique and simply fantastic. It has challenged me and given me more experience about ultra than I could have ever hoped for.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
What has helped me more than anything is getting the knowledge about how to train for an ultra. I think that all the themes as well as the theme key sessions have been really inspiring. The personal questions that I have been able to ask you, e.g. via e-mail, have also been invaluable to me.
What do you think about the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
Yes, very relevant! I have read everything several times and kept coming back to them. You can’t find this good information about ultra anywhere else!
What is your opinion on the diet themes of the program? Have they also been relevant to you?
Yes, they have also been relevant, as well as inspiring and fun. A lot of it has stuck with me!
Is there something you would have liked to seen more or less of?
Less alternative training, even though I understand and respect your holistic mindset. I think that meditation is an interesting aspect of ultra and would personally liked to have seen more of that.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Absolutely! I would recommend the program for the reason that it’s hard to get this kind of knowledge about ultra on your own, and on top of that you have given me personal feedback on things that you just can’t get an answer to anywhere else.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Thanks to the communication with you, your themes, and your understanding of what ultra training is, I found the courage to take on the challenges that I set up for myself this year. Your fantastic podcast has also been a complement to that. This August I have only been running continuously for two years, and I already have more knowledge and experience of ultra than I could have dreamed of only a year and a half ago. My next challenge will be 100 miles!
/Anders Götmark
Caroline Svedberg
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Caroline Svedberg after Ultravasan 90
Ultravasan 90K - and it went fantastically well. It almost feel a bit unreal that the execution of the race felt so easy - I was so well-prepared, both physically and spiritually.
What do you think of the coaching program in general?
I am very satisfied, even if I made use of some parts more than others.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
More than anything I have become stronger muscularly, particularly at the start of the period where I could sense it the most. I have also become more goal-oriented and I follow my plan in a better manner than before. Nowadays I leave my comfort zone more often.F
What do you think of the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
The race plan was important to me.
What is your opinion on the diet themes of the program? Have they also been relevant to you?
Absoluely, I have received a lot of tips and recipes that I have been looking at a little extra. I am quite bad at eating and drinking enough during my long runs, but I have figured out some things that work well for me.
Is there something you would have liked to seen more or less of?
I am more than happy with the program, so no.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Definitely, because it’s about so much more than just running!
/Caroline Svedberg
Malin Haglycke
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Malin Haglycke at the Personliga Rekordens Tävling 6-timmars (the Race of Personal Records 6 hours) 2018
I plan to run the Full Moon Race, which will take place together with GAX 100 Miles on July 20. With everything going on in life, I didn’t manage to fit any other races in.
What do you think of the coaching program in general?
I feel that it was good, with periodization both monthly and weekly. I like the holistic thinking in which both diet, mental work and recovery all are important aspects.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
I have a stronger holistic mindset now, putting less focus on becoming fast, which was something I used to be completely stuck on. However I probably still need to work on some speed work. It might not have been the purpose, but in general I feel a lot better and I have learned to question certain actions before I make decisions for myself (problem-solving). I have trained hard during many years, but now it feels like I am finally listening to my body. For instance, I have started doing more flexibility work, balance and strength - terms that weren’t part of my world before.
What do you think of the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
I absolutely believe that they are relevant. They have made me think more about what works for me personally, and they have helped to create the holistic mindset. I have really tested and made use of the information. Having a green smoothie for breakfast has become my new favorite, fermented veggies have made themselves at home in my fridge, and I feel that I have become a pro at problem-solving!!
Is there something you would have liked to have seen more or less of?
Difficult to say, I feel that there has been a good balance.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Yes! Good structure, you can always adapt the schedule according to your own lifestyle. It’s also fun how one is encouraged to participate in extra activities such as Ultra Interval Challenge, October Plank etc. And also the various themes that complement the training schedules.
/Malin Haglycke
Henrik Johansson
Did you take on any big challenge at the end of the coaching program, and how did it go?
Henrik Johansson
No. The plan was to run the Sandsjöbacka Trail, but unfortunately I injured myself at work so now I am doing rehab instead.
How do you feel that the coaching program has helped you to develop as a runner?
The program has helped me an incredible amount! I have gone from 1 to 200 in these last 10 months.
What do you think of the different months’ ultra themes? Have they felt relevant to you leading up to your challenge?
Yes, I do believe so. The tips about food and energy are my favorites.
Is there something you would have liked to have seen more or less of?
No, I feel that everything has been just right, with a clear red thread throughout it all.
Would you recommend the coaching program to a friend, and in that case why?
Yes. It’s a really good program that is about so much more than just running, for instance diet, strength training, running technique exercises… It works for everyone.
/Henrik Johansson