Our mission

Are you looking for guidance to become a stronger and better ultrarunner? Or maybe you’re dreaming about trying an ultra for the first time, but don’t exactly know where to start?

With our comprehensive training programs, deep knowledge and experience of ultra running, our mission is to help you reach your goal.

Ultramarathon running is sometimes said to be 50% mental game, 40% energy management and only 10% physical fitness.

From our experience of training hundreds of athletes, and from our own careers in the field of ultrarunning, we believe this saying to be true in many cases.

To reach your full potential, you need to put in more than just the long training hours. You also need to be willing to change some of your deeply-rooted beliefs and habits.

Are you ready to take the first step towards becoming a stronger and more focused version of yourself? If so, we’re here to guide you along the way!