Posts in Training
An Arctic Backyard instead of Barkley Marathons, an Interview with Ultrarunner Anna Carlsson

Running in the loneliness of the darkness in the Arctic has made Anna Carlsson stronger than most. This weekend she’ll will be one of the elite runners of the Quarantine Backyard Ultra, where she’ll be running on a frozen lake in temperatures below 20°F/-6°C.

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A beginner's guide to ultrarunning

There is no definite right or wrong when it comes to training as an ultrarunner. However, there are a few guidelines that are beneficial for anyone who wants to enhance their endurance levels. The definition of ultrarunning is quite straight-forward — it basically means that you run any distance longer than a marathon, that is, 42 195 m. In other words, anyone who runs beyond these numbers is an ultrarunner.

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