6 tips on how to move more every day

Movement can be an incredibly powerful way to support both our physical and mental health — especially when we combine sessions at the gym with some dynamic movement, sprinkled throughout the whole day. This blog post is for you if you're ready to start adding more movement to your everyday life as a way to take care of yourself.

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Running as medicine in times of uncertainty

I kicked off 2020 with a boost of energy and motivation unlike any I have felt in a long time. This was the year I was going to spend endless days in the mountains again, racing and doing my own projects. I was beginning to feel strong and fit again after a 2019 of being injured and limited in terms of what I could do as an athlete. Nothing was going to stop me this time.

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Why Ultra Interval Challenge is such great training for ultrarunning

On March 21st we’re hosting the event Ultra Interval Challenge. This is a virtual event that we’ve hosted several times and I would really like to encourage you to try it out! It’s great for aspiring ultrarunners and for anyone who’s up for a real challenge. And for me personally, it’s a way to get some well needed high-volume training before my upcoming races this spring.

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Being a beginner ultrarunner: Training plan, gear, energy, inspiration and mentality

Jënni ran her first ultra in 2014, at the age of 20. Half a year earlier, her two sisters had decided to run a 50k race, and it didn’t take Jënni long to decide that she also wanted to take on this intriguing challenge. Read more about Jënnis entry into the ultrarunning world and how she learned to navigate her way through it in terms of training schedule, gear, energy, inspiration and mentality.

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Why run ultra: the driving forces of an ultrarunner

“WHO could possibly want to run for that many hours at a time?!” That’s a question I often get. I understand that it sounds crazy in most people’s ears – setting your alarm clock for 6 am on a Saturday morning, starting your run still half asleep, knowing that you will be doing that for many more hours to come.

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Interval cravings and one month with MAF and low-intensity training

I have always been the kind of person who has lived according to the motto that the harder a training session is, the better. Of course I’ve been doing plenty of low-intensive sessions as well, but I have always thought that I need to do a lot of intervals in order for my training to have a positive effect on performance. But in order to stay injury free, I need to start training more sustainably. These are my thoughts after a month with the MAF method.

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